Find Your Way with Us
We are a passionate and energetic Christ-centered community committed to ministry and mission. We serve the greater Redlands community in a wide variety of ways. Through our relationship with the United Methodist Church and Christians around the world, we are able to expand our missional reach through Southern California and around the world.
Join us for Worship
We meet in person each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. at 1 East Olive Ave. in Redlands, California, for worship as well as events throughout the week. You’re also welcome to watch the livestream or recordings of our service on YouTube and Facebook. In order to continue meeting the needs of our community, online worship is now a permanent part of our ministry. Caregivers, travelers, homebound persons, and those outside the immediate area of the church have expressed gratitude for this form of worship. The live video will come online shortly before 9:30 a.m. Pacific time and continue through the end of worship. This stream works well on any device you have available from computer browsers to mobile devices to smart TVs. As you bring up the channel, there will be a link for the live video. In addition, you will be able to access previous worship services.
Wherever you are and however you join us, we welcome you to our community of faith. We’re glad you’re with us.
We Aspire to Be Invitational
We invite people to enter into communion with God and the community life of our church through activities, events, and relationships.
We Seek to Nurture One Another
We create a warm and supportive environment in our worship, gatherings, and mission outreach.
We Work to Be Inclusive
We welcome persons of diverse opinion, theology, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and lifestyle. We expand our circles of belonging at every opportunity in every group of the church.