What to Expect When You Join Us On Sunday

Our vision is to become a more invitational, nurturing, and inclusive community of faith.

Sunday Worship Service

Join us for our Sunday morning worship service at 9:30 a.m. Pacific time at 1 East Olive Ave. in Redlands, California. We celebrate an open communion service every first Sunday of the month.


We have two main parking lots. One is located on Vine St. Between Cajon and 6th Street. The second is located on Olive Ave. between Nordina St. and Cajon. There are entrances off both Olive Ave. and Nordina St.

Accessible Parking

Spaces for those with disabilities are available in both the Olive and Vine lots. Also, there is a marked drop off/pick up spot (marked with green curb and a ramp cut out) on Olive Ave. just north of Cajon.

When You Arrive

Both the Olive Ave. and Vine St. entrances have assigned greeters on duty to welcome you and direct you either to the Sanctuary or to the nursery. These volunteers are here to help. Come on in and make yourself at home.  After our time of worship, all are invited to share a time of coffee fellowship, weather permitting, in the courtyard between the Sanctuary and Education Building.

Nursery Care

Nursery care for all children under the age of 5 is located in the West End, on the ground floor of the Education Building. The nursery is staffed with at least two workers who have gone through training and background checks. The nursery is available from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Sunday and for special events.  You are welcome to drop your child off in the nursery or take them with you into worship.

Week of Events