Church at sunset

Our Worship Life

Each week we celebrate a spirited, traditional worship service. We share a Scripture-based messages that engages people more deeply with their faith in the world. Together we encounter God through prayer, liturgy, singing, and the sharing of the Scriptural witness. Children are always welcome in worship. Families can choose to keep their children with them or have them attend Sunday School.

Bread blessed at communion

Sacraments in the Church

On the first Sunday of each month, we share the Sacrament of Holy Communion with one another. It is our practice to celebrate an open table, which means all who are present are invited to come and receive the gift of God’s grace.

We celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism during Sunday worship when it is requested by those who seek it. Baptism is open to people of all ages. While we don’t practice rebaptism, at least once each year we observe a Baptism/Covenant Renewal service.

Chapel set up for spring event

Church events

Watch our social media and announcements for activities and events throughout the week, held in the Weeks Hall meeting area, our conference room, Dike Chapel, the Gathering Area outside the Sanctuary, and the courtyard, as well as events throughout the Redlands community.